Sunday, August 24, 2014


Ode to the setting Sun 落日颂 (from”Ode to the setting Sun”) 摘选自”落日颂歌” Who lit the furnace of the mammoth’s heart? Who shagged him like Pilatus’ribbed flanks Who raised the columned ranks Of that old pre-diluvian forestry, Which like a continent torn oppressed the sea, 谁把那庞然大物心灵中的炉火点燃? ” 谁像两胁凸起肋骨的皮勒塔斯把他粗野推搡“ 谁抬起了那一行行, 未遭洪水淹没的古老的树林, 犹如抬起一块像撕开的压迫着海洋的陆地 When the ancient heavens did in rains depart, While the high-danced whirls Of the tossed scud made hiss thy drenched curls? 古老的天空已冒雨起程, 这时掠过的阵风扬起飞旋的风 吹得你湿透的卷发丝丝作响? Thou rear’dst the enormous brood; Who hast with life imbued The lion maned in tawny majesty, The tiger velvet-barred, The stealthy-stepping pard, And the lithe panther’s flexous symmetry? 你曾抚养过许多孩子们; 他们充满了圣灵重生的生命 这只黄褐色鬃毛的雄狮显得威严, 这只虎遭禁用天鹅绒来遮挡, 这只豹 隐秘地潜行, 这只轻盈的美洲狮身子柔韧匀称? How came the entombed tree a light-bearer, Though sunk in lightless lair? Friend of the forgers of earth, Mate of the earthquake and thunders volcanic, 怎么这棵埋葬的树变成了一个手持火炬的人, 却仍沉没在无光的洞穴中? 大 地铸造者的朋友, 是地震和火山发出雷声的伴友, Clasped in the arms of the forces Titanic Which rock like a cradle the girth Of the ether-hung world; 张开你那力量无比双臂抱紧 去摇动着一只像; 悬在苍天的王国般 巨大的摇篮 Swart son of the swarthy mine, When flame on the breath of his nostrils feeds How is his countenance half-divine, Like thee in thy sanguine weeds? 黑黝黝的我的肤色黝黑的儿子, 靠他鼻孔呼吸来吞食火焰 他的容貌怎么变得一半象神仙, 像你穿上的血红色的出殡服装? Thou gavest him his light Though sepultured in night Beneath the dead bones of a perished world; 你赐给了他光明 他却被埋葬在黑夜中 埋 在那死亡世界的一堆白骨下面; Over his prostrate form Though cold, and heat, and storm, The mountainous wrack of a creation hurled. 在他匍伏人影之上 却仍然气温冰冷,炎热,并拌随暴风, 消除这造成巨大船沉的海难原因. Who made the splendid rose Saturated with purple glows; Cupped to the marge with beauty; a perfume-press Whence the wind vintages Gushes of warmed fragrance richer far Than all the flavorous ooze of Cyprus’vats? 谁制成了这朵浸透着紫色光芒 奇异的玫瑰花; 满溢着美妙的芳香;释放出芳香(改为:酒杯斟满佳酿,散发出芳香) 受风吹过不知来自何处的陈酿 喷发出的温暖的芳香 却比塞浦路斯陶缸中盛满的淤泥更香浓? 作者介绍:Francis Thompson (1859-1907 ) ……laden with its lamped clusters bright ......充满着一片灯火闪烁光亮 The fiery-fruited vineyard of this night. 夜色笼罩结满火红果实的葡萄园。 And I broke through the door of sunset, 我冲进了夕阳之门, Ran before the hooves of sunrise. 奔跑在一轮喷薄欲出红日之前。 上面的诗是引用“大地赞歌”一颂诗中的最后几句诗,这首诗是仅次于汤普森取得最高成就的一首诗------ “天堂的猎犬”,考文垂•帕特摩尔宣称这首诗是“极少数”的一首伟大的在诗歌语言上值得夸耀的颂诗“,”和本世纪任何宗教诗相比,它已经引起更多的读者的关注。在某个神秘的派系中,人们信奉”追求上帝就是被上帝所追求,”的信念,这首颂诗随威严巴赫合唱团从容不迫的演唱而徐徐地展示开来,诗人采用赋格曲调把诗句创作成非世俗化的诗体系风格。用一种几乎神圣的过度放纵来庆祝认可神圣秩序的建立。汤普森的一切诗,犹如他的明亮辉煌的金链花,分裂成了“一只在野火中飞舞的蜜蜂。” 汤普森的诗以一种不寻常的程度被嵌入在他的人生观中;他看到相关的所有的事物都与一种不朽的力量联系在一起的。下面这两句诗是一个加州大学伯克利分校杰出人物创作的: thou canst not stir a flower Without troubling of a star. 如果不困扰一个明星 你心里不能激起花 样的诗篇。

1 comment:

  1. 这句诗 Who shagged him like Pilatus’ribbed flanks,改为:

